Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What a day

Today has been an emotional roller coaster.  After a lot of ups and downs, I am officially, 100% going on tour this summer.  Thank you to all who have responded with prayer and donations.  I'm only lacking about $300 now which is so awesome.  Even though I've doubted a lot, watching God work has been really incredible.

I have no doubt that God will bring the rest of the money through.  Everything is falling into place so well!

As June 6th gets closer and closer, the more nervous I get.  I mean, am I crazy to be biking from Seattle to NYC?  I don't think so.  God has given me a perfectly healthy and capable body to bike, and this is a small way I can sacrifice my time and energy to help those in Burma in Thailand.  Sharing God's Word with all sorts of Americans, talking and getting to know various people around the country, and raising money and awareness for those in Burma and Thailand is an amazing opportunity I can't wait to be apart of.

Here are a few updated prayer requests:
- That I would raise the remaining $300
- That my teammates would raise the remaining portion of their financial requirements
- For relationships to continue to build amongst team members.  Most of us have talked at least some already, but I'm sure it will at least be a little bit awkward when all meet for the first time.  We need to get used to each other though-- we'll be spending every moment together for 8 weeks. :)
- My joints and that I would continue to train pain free!

Thanks again to all for your prayers and support.  It means so much!  I literally cried in the car earlier when I realized I was officially going.  (I'm pretty sure I sounded completely emotionally unstable to my leader when I was on the phone with here. haha)

This is all for now.  I'm off to bed so I can get a long ride in the morning.  :)

Goodnight, all!


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