Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday ride

This past week I took my bike to get it adjusted specifically for my body.  I rode 50 miles this afternoon and so far so good!  The adjustments seem to make a big difference!  Also, today was my first ride with clips, which, I must brag and say I didn't fall off once.  In fact, I haven't had any problems yet!  But, knowing me, there will be plenty of falls in the future. :)

Fundraising is slowly coming to close.  I'm supposed to have another yard sale this coming Saturday to earn the remaining finances (location to be decided).  I've been so abundantly blessed by friends and family that I no longer am stressing about getting the required amount.  God has been SO good!  Having this entire process complete is such a relief.  Now I can focus on REALLY training!  I'm hoping to get an 85 mile ride in this week.  We'll see if I am actually able to find the time for that….

I know this is short and sort of a repeat of the last post, but I wanted to post some sort of update to finish out the weekend.

Oh!  Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there!  I know I'm extremely thankful for my mom and both grandmothers.  All three are wonderful, Godly women who have each played a major role in raising and nurturing me all these years.  Even though we have rough moments, I couldn't have asked for a better family.

This is all for now!

'night, all!


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