Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Okay guys,

Since I posted last about May 1st being the deadline to let everyone know if I was going to be able to make the tour financial requirements, I've received deadline extensions from both Venture and my boss from my summer job.  I'm extremely thankful that Venture has given me until May 24th, and my boss originally gave me a little longer to try and figure things out, but as of today she really needs to know--- ASAP!  I feel horrible I've kept her waiting for an answer for so long.  She's been great about working with me and trying to hold my spot as long as possible, but when she texted me today she said that she is starting interviews and needs to know how many new guards to hire.  I told her I'd let her know by morning.

Needless to say, I freaked out because I'm SO close to having all of the money raised for tour, but I don't have it all right this second and there's no guarantee I will.  I'm trusting God that He will provide if He so chooses.  However, if He chooses that I should return to my summer job, then I will and I will be content with that.  I love my summer job-- I have a wonderful boss and great coworkers that make make having a job not a chore.

Even though I've been blessed with a summer job that I enjoy, the Across America Tour is something I feel like I'm being called to participate in this summer.  I've had several friends and family members give and give generously with notes and words of encouragement.  For that, I'm EXTREMELY thankful!  (btw, I'm sorry I haven't gotten all of my thank you notes out yet…. they're in the process of being written).  Even at my yard sale I had people I didn't know give because they wanted to help the mission.  I've definitely gotten the word out about the cause and have worked hard to raise awareness for those in Burma and Thailand.  Like I expected, very few were aware of the situation there.  I know that if I am able to go on tour, I'll encounter more people like those I have been talking to who I can not only share God's Word with,  but share with them why we're biking-- for our brothers and sisters in Southeast Asia.  I'm so excited for this-- every rest stop, bathroom stop, and night home of the night throughout the journey will be an opportunity to talk with those we meet.  17 matching jerseys biking in a line in the middle of Idaho is enough to cause people to question our motive and ask questions.  :)

Here's the bottom line:
I have until tomorrow morning to raise the remaining pledges/financial commitments.  At that time I have to give up my summer job and tell Venture if I am or am not going to be participating in the tour.  At this moment, I'm lacking $767.

If you had hoped to give to the cause/tour and just haven't gotten around to it, I ask that you pray about it and let me know tonight or first thing the morning if you are going to be able to.  Again, I don't want ANYONE to feel pressured to give.  That's not the point of this post.  Obviously I am asking for help with the remaining funds, but I don't want you to feel like you have to give.  I'm aware that you're probably receiving several support letters for various people's mission trips.  I'm also very aware that money is tight for everyone and even if you could give, this might not be something you wish to give to.

Prayers during the remaining stretch of fundraising would be greatly appreciated.  Prayer for peace and guidance, specifically.  God is greater than a little money.  I want to be wholeheartedly content with whatever decision God makes for me.  Even though I'm stressing about this deadline in the morning, I shouldn't be.  It's not my problem to worry about.  I'm doing what I can, and the rest is up to Him.  The "not worrying" this easier said than done.  A constant battle.

This is all for now.  I'll update soon! :)


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