Monday, May 20, 2013

2.5 weeks and counting

The last few days it's really started to hit me that this expedition is actually happening.  I've thought, planned, and prayed about it for so long and it'll be here in 2 1/2 weeks.  I'll admit that I'm getting a little scared.  Okay, a lot scared.  What was I thinking when I signed up to bike across the Continental Divide??  I know it'll be fine.  Most of us going are new to biking so we'll all be biking at about the same speed.  I know this is what God has called me to for this summer and I know He'll be there strengthening me every pedal stroke of the way.  I've been training like I should be, but training will officially be over for me when I pack my bike up and ship it off to Seattle in ONE WEEK!  Whoa.  I'm planning on tagging along with my dad and Jessica for their Mayo Clinic trip on Wednesday so I can get a few good rides in on some flat land.  From Jacksonville to St. Augustine it's 35 miles so with the ride there and back and then around the towns a little bit, I should be able to get a century (100 mile) ride in.  I'm hoping for some really pretty weather to accompany the beautiful beach views. :)

As far as training around here goes, I've gotten some solid 50 mile rides in.  Jessica and Taylor surprised me with a wonderful book written by a Chattanooga local that maps out lots of different rides around the Chattanooga area.  The great thing about the routes that he has created is that it keeps me off the busy roads for the most part.  For someone who trains alone most of time, this is huge.  I'm still terrified of 18 wheelers and such.

On a side note, I received a very generous donation from someone I don't even know.  This touched me so much and caught me completely off guard!  Maybe they just randomly selected my name on the list of Venture participants, or maybe they've been following my blog since they read the article in the Times Free Press, but for whatever the reason, I had an unexpected donation that helps a LOT.  So, if you're reading, thank you very very much, Mr. Stewart!!

Now I'm off to enjoy this beautiful 90 degree day here in Ringgold.  I'll leave you with one of my favorite worship songs that's been my go to song in difficult times this year.  I've  even been using it as my alarm clock ringtone so I'll have encouraging words to wake up to every morning.  It's a wonderful reminder that we're here to praise and worship God, and that He is faithful to us until the end of our days.  This year I've really been trying to focus on praising God and thanking Him for all He has done for me instead of all I want or need.  I find myself going to God in prayer to ask for something or just to talk about how difficult my current situation might be, but prayer is largely about thanking and praising God for how good, beautiful, and faithful He is.  I don't always like contemporary praise and worship music, but the lyrics of the song and completely focused on just praising God and His goodness.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


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