Friday, January 17, 2014

Back in the saddle again

On Tuesday night I received the call that I was chosen to be one of the leaders for the 2014 Across America Tour.  I'm pretty sure I screamed/squealed so loudly all of north campus could hear me (thankfully it was dark and deserted).  I know it might sound crazy to want to do the exact same tour again this summer, but honestly, I couldn't be more excited!

As I've mentioned a thousand times before, my experience last summer was incredible.  I've definitely prayed and questioned whether or not leaving again for an entire summer is the right decision, but after opening doors and providing the opportunity, I can confidently say this is where God wants me.  I'm not young forever, right? And as it turns out there's one, single, individual class that I need to graduate, which (as of now) is not being offered this summer.  So my guilt regarding skipping summer school and hitting the road for a few months is gone.  It looks like I'll be returning to school for my fifth year "victory lap" next year.  I'll graduate eventually, I promise.

While June is still months away, I know it'll be here in no time.  While there's still much to do before I leave, I am already anticipating the adventure that awaits me and my team.

Although it seems far away, I ask that you begin to pray for us as we prepare our hearts and bodies to take on the challenges both physically and emotionally that are ahead.  Specifically that God would create open hearts and minds as we begin pre-tour preparations. In my opinion, the months leading up to tour are the most challenging with the anticipation, nerves, and seemingly endless list of tasks to finish.  It's so easy to get carried away with the training and fundraising that you forget to spend an adequate amount of time preparing your heart to be vulnerable and open to whatever God places in your path (at least this was the case for me last summer).

Most importantly, I ask that you all will begin to pray for team unity and enthusiasm for the cause to take root early on.  Learning and fully understanding the cause itself and the history of the people we are biking for can be confusing and complicated due to lack of current media coverage and such.  Pray not just for us, but them (the refugees in the Thailand/Burma region).

So far this is all I really know about this year's tour.  I should be receiving more information in the coming weeks though.  I can't wait to get to know my co-leaders (whoever they are!) and my teammates (which I may or may not have already tried to stalk on Facebook…).  Every tour is so different, and I can't wait to see what this summer holds!


P.S.- I just realized I never updated past Pennsylvania last summer.  My apologies!  Things got crazy once we got to NYC and upon returning home I was thrown right back into school.  This year I'll try to be better about blogging (as long as I don't drown my phone again).  Here's proof we survived though:

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