Venture is a 501c3 nonprofit organization based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Here's a [sort of] brief summary of what their goal is by engaging people in adventure based trips:
Venture has a sort of saying to describe the purpose of tours: "Physical sacrifice, in community, with Christ, for Biblical justice." Let me break it down for you….
Physical Sacrifice actively engages people in the cause they are working for. It not only challenges your quads as you're biking up the Appalachian Mountains, it means sacrificing time, energy, personal finances, and relationships. God sent the ultimate sacrifice when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, and while our sacrifices are nowhere near the sacrifice Jesus went through here on earth, it is our way of fully engaging and actively living out Romans 12:
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual
worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of
your mind, that by testing you may discern what is good and acceptable and perfect."
In Community means we live together as a team praying, praising, laughing, crying, talking, and just being everyday of tour. Not only are we building a community as a team, we're building the Venture community and the community of supporters for those in Southeast Asia with every stop we make across the country. Through prayers and funds we are also helping the missionaries placed in the Thailand/Burma region to create community amongst the refugees where they share the Gospel. "Sacrificing together builds community like few other activities, and forms bonds that challenge beyond events" (Venture).
With Christ is the most important of the four parts, because without Him none of the other components would be successful. We engage in physical sacrifice, in community, for Biblical justice because we desire to see God spread to all the nations. It's because of the strength from Christ that we bike hundreds of miles week after week, why we're seeking justice for the oppressed, and why we long to build communities. Our desire is to further His kingdom in all that we do and say. "When prayer, scripture, and worship combine with all of these other elements, space for everlasting transformation can take place" (Venture).
For Biblical Justice for the oppressed. Through funds and prayers we are seeking to end the injustices of those in Southeast Asia. While the funds we raise before and during tour go specifically to the Thailand/Burma region, it is important to remember that people all over the world are experiencing similar oppression. "Biblical justice is defined, led, and constrained by scripture, and calls us to change the way we invest our time, money and influence" (Venture).
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