Friday, August 15, 2014

Chambersburg, PA--> Trenton, NJ

We've almost made it!  Tonight we're in Trenton, NJ, tomorrow we have a short ride to Middletown, NJ, and then then day after we'll be riding through NYC.  Just a couple more days and we'll be at the Atlantic Ocean. 

Where has this summer gone?  I can't believe how fast it's flown by.  I'm doing everything I can to make every moment count, but when you're exhausted all day everyday, it can be difficult.

Today I actually took a pretty good fall off my bike (I'm fine, really!), but my hand hurts a little badly to type.  

I just wanted to update everyone to let you all know that we're alive, well, and almost there! :)


The day into Chambersburg (the day the team bike the Appalachians), Carmen did our morning devotion and read out of Romans 12.  At the end of her devotion she suggested everyone to write something encouraging to get themselves, and the person riding behind them, something inspiring to read while biking up each mountain that day.  Above are Carmen's calves.  I picked a few of my other favorites which are pictured below.

Sharon: "widows, orphans"

Shelby: "something encouraging"

Kira: "trust in the Lord"

Everyone posing with their calves

After a long ride into Philly, the team was thrilled to find that our host (shout out to Kerry Gormley and her awesome family!) had not only a pool but a hot tub, too.

Walked every single one of the Rocky steps to get this selfie with Shelby.  Unfortunately you can't even see the awesome view of Philly in the background.

Rocky statue with these three!  We spent a few hours wandering around and exploring Philly together-- so much fun!

My fall took a little gash out of my hand.  I'm so thankful I didn't break anything, land in traffic, or get scraped up any worse than I did.  Besides this one on my hand (which looks better in this picture, honestly), some scrapes and bruises primarily on my left side, it really wasn't that bad of a fall.  When you bike across the country, it's inevitable you'll fall eventually.  I guess it was about my time… 

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