Friday, March 15, 2013


Just wanted to say that I have not forgotten this blog.  The last couple of weeks have been spent organizing and strategizing for the upcoming weeks of awareness raising and fundraising.  Not too much has happened yet, but here's what you can expect to hear more about in the next week:

  • One of my very best friends from Covenant, Kaley Hart, is an art major.  She has agreed to design my posters and T-shirts for me!!!! I know absolutely nothing about graphic design and such, so I'm so excited to see what she has planned.  She was hoping to have them to me by tomorrow, but we'll see!  She's had a super busy week so it's whenever she gets a chance to work on it. :)  Her work I've seen before is awesome and she's a very gifted artist, so I know her design will be wonderful!
  • Once I get the posters I'm going to begin hunting for sponsorships.  I've held on this for a couple of weeks because I wanted to have a visual to show when talking with potential sponsors about the cause/mission. Hopefully business will be open minded in hearing what I have to say.
  • My grandparents have been planning for a while to move this June.  They have a house FULL of stuff they have offered to donate to my garage sale!!!!  They're going to be donating furniture, books, cd's, their RV, and all sorts of stuff.  I need to make it over their to their house sometime soon to see what all they have and to begin sorting out and cleaning up furniture and stuff.  It's going to be a big job moving all of the furniture to where I'm having the yard sale, but hopefully I can recruit a few friends to help out.
  • The church where Hilger (my old school) is has agreed to let me use their parking lot for my garage sale!  My grandparents used to attend church their so the pastor was very gracious in letting me use it for the sale.  
  • Biking.  That is taking a majority of my time….. just biking, loading up gear in my car, riding, driving to the gym to do weights/cross training is becoming pretty time consuming.  Taking this semester off from school (with the exception of one online class and my internship) has given me the ability to devote large amounts of time to training.  
  • Team!  My team is having weekly video chat sessions with whatever teammates are able to join. Everyone's schedules are kinda busy, so our leaders have set a time for every Sunday evening that hopefully works for most.  I love all of my teammates so far!  Getting to know each other ahead of time will hopefully spare us from too many awkward conversations of getting to know one another when we arrive in Seattle.
Once I get the design  for the T-shirts that I will be selling, I will post more information about how you can purchase one if you're interested.  If you know of any local businesses who might be interested in sponsoring me, give me a holler!  I've made a list of possibilities that span all across the greater Chattanooga area, but if you think of that just really stands out in your mind, let me know!  Ideas are always appreciated. :)

A little info about the yard sale just to give yall a heads up:
Where: First Alliance Church on Hickory Valley Road in Chattanooga (really close to Hamilton Place!)
When: April 6th (I don't know what time it will start….)
(those are the only details I have right now…. haha)

Okay.  It's warm, sunny, and the birds are chirping out my window, so I'm going to go for a ride.  I think I might head on over to the Battlefield.  That seems to be my safest option when biking alone.  There are plenty of other bikers there (which makes me feel a little safer) and drivers know to be watching out for bikers (which is nice for someone like myself who is still getting used to biking on public roads).

Thanks again for all your supports and for reading this (if you've actually made it this far)!  Hopefully I'll have more interesting posts and pictures soon.

Happy Friday!

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