Sunday, March 17, 2013


They've posted our detailed itinerary!  The specifics may change a little depending on host churches/schools/homes.  When I first looked at the schedule I was terrified because on day FOUR we ride 97 miles. NINETY SEVEN!  But it's doable.  It'll be in chunks and not all at one time.  We'll have breaks every 20 or so miles where we'll refill our water bottles, grab a snack, etc.

I just had another video chat with two of my teammates.  One of them (who is actually one of my leaders) I had met before, the other I had never met but she's super nice.  My team seems awesome so far!  17 total.  I can't wait to meet the others!

Oh, here's the link to page with the detailed itinerary (scroll down to right below the map):

Alright, this is all for now.  I'm calling it a night even thought it's only 9:30….

More to come soon! :)


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