Friday, August 15, 2014

Chambersburg, PA--> Trenton, NJ

We've almost made it!  Tonight we're in Trenton, NJ, tomorrow we have a short ride to Middletown, NJ, and then then day after we'll be riding through NYC.  Just a couple more days and we'll be at the Atlantic Ocean. 

Where has this summer gone?  I can't believe how fast it's flown by.  I'm doing everything I can to make every moment count, but when you're exhausted all day everyday, it can be difficult.

Today I actually took a pretty good fall off my bike (I'm fine, really!), but my hand hurts a little badly to type.  

I just wanted to update everyone to let you all know that we're alive, well, and almost there! :)


The day into Chambersburg (the day the team bike the Appalachians), Carmen did our morning devotion and read out of Romans 12.  At the end of her devotion she suggested everyone to write something encouraging to get themselves, and the person riding behind them, something inspiring to read while biking up each mountain that day.  Above are Carmen's calves.  I picked a few of my other favorites which are pictured below.

Sharon: "widows, orphans"

Shelby: "something encouraging"

Kira: "trust in the Lord"

Everyone posing with their calves

After a long ride into Philly, the team was thrilled to find that our host (shout out to Kerry Gormley and her awesome family!) had not only a pool but a hot tub, too.

Walked every single one of the Rocky steps to get this selfie with Shelby.  Unfortunately you can't even see the awesome view of Philly in the background.

Rocky statue with these three!  We spent a few hours wandering around and exploring Philly together-- so much fun!

My fall took a little gash out of my hand.  I'm so thankful I didn't break anything, land in traffic, or get scraped up any worse than I did.  Besides this one on my hand (which looks better in this picture, honestly), some scrapes and bruises primarily on my left side, it really wasn't that bad of a fall.  When you bike across the country, it's inevitable you'll fall eventually.  I guess it was about my time… 

Indianapolis--> Ebensburg, PA

And so the journey continues.  Each day we're getting closer and closer to NYC, even when it doesn't feel like it.  Tonight we're in Ebensburg, PA, and tomorrow the team climbs the Appalachian Mountains.  Today and tomorrow are two of the hardest days on tour, so the team crashed pretty early tonight.  

I don't want to stay up and type too much tonight because I need my sleep tomorrow.  Even though I'm driving support, I know it'll be exhausting, too.  

So far the team has remained strong the past week or so.  It's clear some of them are very ready for the journey to end and to return to their homes and normal lives, but they keep pedaling on.  It's my hope that even though we're all worn out and exhausted, we'll still find the joy in both the suffering and the fun moments of tour as we continue to bike for our brothers and sisters in Burma and Thailand.


More corn in Indiana

We spent the weekend in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.  While we were there, I had the chance to speak with one of the childrens' sunday school classes about what we were doing.  After I finished talking to them, a few of them wanted to pray for me and the team.  Such a sweet group of kids!

While I was talking to the kids, Jana was talking to the early service at church

This is what dinner for 16 people looks like--- avocados and bananas for days!

Stopped by an Amish grocery store in Ohio.  Apparently they like Little Debbies?  Shout out to Collegedale! 

Ohio surprised me with pretty scenery and great old farm houses like this one.

I was toasted this week!

We had some truly wonderful hosts in Youngstown, OH.  They welcomed us in with open arms and Tennessee style BBQ.

Jeff (who broke his collarbone on my tour last year) and his daughter Laurel (who was also on my tour) met up with us to finish the part of the tour that Jeff was unable to finish due to his injury.  I should mention that Jeff is deaf and that is why Laurel came along too, so that she could interpret for him.   

Gas can and a horse and buggy.  I'm so confused. 

Carmen cheering on the team as they near the end of a difficult day into Ebensburg, PA.

Minneapolis--> West Lafayette

The past week or so has been really difficult for the team.  The terrain is beginning to roll and the roads and maps have been difficult causing much frustration and irritation.  However, even with all the struggles they've faced, we've all carried on with our daily duties and have made it here to Indiana.

I know I've asked before, but I'm asking again for prayers for the team.  After this week, I think some of the team is realizing that they're just over halfway done with this tour, and the terrain will only be getting more difficult.  I know they all need encouragement, so your prayers would be appreciated.

It's getting difficult remembering why we're out here biking (and in my case sometimes, driving) day in and day out, so also pray not only for the refugees in Thailand/Burma that we're biking for, but that we as a team would remember them and their struggles that are far greater than our own.  It's so easy to lose focus of the whole point of the trip, so pray that we stay focused on the long, tiring, days.


Found these cute hitchhikers on the way out of Minneapolis. 

"Hey, let's go jump in the Mississippi River."  "Okay!"

Sharon took another fall, but she's tough and still in riding condition so she keeps pedaling on. :)

One of the hosts in Eau Claire and his awesome dog.

Wisconsin traffic

Sometimes long days turn into really fun adventures that lead to legit Mexican food in the middle of nowhere.

The van has seen a few dirt roads lately

Went for a run along the river in downtown Green Bay.  That sunset was even more beautiful in person! 

The team got to bike past Lambeau Field on the way out of town.

Bike path on the way out of Green Bay

The same bike path turned to gravel, but that just made it even more fun today.

Wisconsin corn for days and days.

Rode with Shelby and Andy from Green Bay to Plymouth.  Such a fun day and ride!

Awesome bike shop/coffee shop in Sheboygan. 

My host home in Plymouth, WI had a llama.  A LLAMA!!!

Host home "parents" in Plymouth.  Loved them!!

Driving support from Green Bay-->Milwaukee meant stopping in this pretty little lake town for just long enough to walk out on this pier to take a few pictures.

Riding this bike paths into Chicago

Sometimes rides in the rain can get a little messy, but at least we had laundry this night! 

Sunday morning breakfast with these two in Chicago.  A little talk of world traveling adventures and our mutual love of Disney World made for a great start to the day.

Church in Chicago.  I can't speak highly enough of this church family!  They took us in at the last minute and I've never felt so at home.  They went above and beyond welcoming us into their community and I'll never forget them.

A little Sunday sightseeing in Chicago with the team 

The ever beautiful Chicago

Short ride to West Lafayette meant Chipotle for lunch and a little adventuring around town visiting the Purdue campus and a local bike shop.  Oh, and checkout these three unintentionally matching people.  They will temporarily be referred to as the triplets. 

Meet Sophia.  Walking through downtown West Lafayette I saw a student out with his bulldog.  Naturally I had to ask if I could pet it (go dawgs!), but instead of saying 'yes,' he picked her up and threw her in my arms to hold.  She attacked my face with kisses and it was perfect. :)


This past weekend was a big one for the team.  We spent Thursday-Sunday in Minneapolis, which is the home of Venture Expeditions.  Instead of giving a detailed account for everything we saw and did this week, I'll give you a brief rundown of each day in Minneapolis.  

Thursday: The team is greeted in Hutchinson, MN by a few members of the Venture community who decided to make the ride into Minneapolis with us.  Once we arrived in the cities, we headed to the North Central University campus where we would be staying for the weekend.  It was great to finally be able to see the school and meet some of the people who are apart of that community since they are one of our biggest sponsors. After a few pictures and all, the team showered and headed to dinner, sponsored by Chipotle!

Friday: Fourth of July!  We were able to watch the Run Free team finish their two week run across the state of Minnesota as they ran across the Wisconsin state line.  Since it was the fourth, we headed to a Venture wide cookout at a local park.  Friends and family of Venture participants as well as Venture alum were all invited to attend.  Those on our team who are from Minnesota had their families meet them there, so we were finally able to put faces with the names we've heard for so long, which was a lot of fun.  The evening concluded with everyone from the picnic heading over to a fireworks display at a local school.  It was great to spend the fourth in such a great community, appreciating the freedom we have here in America and remember those in Burma who have never been able to even dream of such freedom.  We bike so that maybe one day they will have the same opportunity.

Saturday: Lake day at the Skoogs' might be the single most relaxing day all of tour.  For the entire morning, all the way through until after dinner, the Skoogs open up their home for us to eat, sleep, read, swim, paddle board, boat, etc.  It came at such a wonderful time, too.  At this point we're a little over halfway and everyones' bodies are feeling pretty stressed and worn out.  This day provided an opportunity for everyone to find a little time alone, rest, pray, think, and just be for a while.  

Sunday: We attended a local church here in Minneapolis that Paul (executive director of Venture) was speaking at this Sunday.  He spoke on justice and what that looks like as a Christian.  It was wonderful to connect with a church in the community where Venture is based because I would assume people would be even more interested in becoming involved.  Afterwards everyone spandexed up again and began their short ride to Red Wing, MN.  

And that brings me to right now.  I'm currently in Red Wing, MN and I'm exhausted.  Today's ride ended up taking the team longer than expected, so everyone is worn out and already asleep.

We have about four more weeks out here on the road, and some the days ahead will likely be the most challenging for the team.  Continued prayer and encouragement would be appreciated.  Pray specifically for endurance, optimism, and strength to finish out this difficult journey.  God has been good and brought us this far, here's to another awesome four weeks on the roads!

In Webster, SD Brenda became good friends with this kiddo named Sam.  Same is autistic and loves Spiderman just as much as Brenda.  By the end of the evening, we all wanted to bring him along with us for the rest of the journey.  Instead, Brenda gave him our daily toast object, a little Spiderman doll that rides with a new person each day. From now on he's living in Webster with Sam, who I know will take good care of Spidy. :)

Sometimes the team is more exhausted than we realize, and by the time they get to the lunch stop they're too tired to eat and just collapse on the ground instead.

Chipotle dinner in Minneapolis! 

Watching the Run Free group finish their run in Stillwater, MN.

Little nature walk with a few of my favorites at the 4th of July cookout.

View from the hike we took

I know Minneapolis has long winters, but I'm pretty sure their summers makeup for those long, cold months.

Team breakfast before heading to the lake.  Isn't my team photogenic? 

Chris and Jothem

Team prayer and praise at the end of the day at the lake.

Hearing Paul speak at church on Sunday