Monday, April 1, 2013


I'll be honest, today is the first day I've had a moment where I felt like I would not actually reach my financial goal.  In all honesty, I should be feeling the complete opposite!  I received my first sponsor today!! I'm so excited to say that East Ridge Cycle has decided to sponsor me.  I am extremely thankful for their financial donation!

I think I'm probably just feeling a little discouraged because today is the one month mark--- I have ONE MONTH to have all of my money in.  eep!  But it'll happen if God so chooses.  I keep telling myself that even if I don't get all of the funding, this experience of pursuing the tour is a lesson, and the money I have raised is helping those in Burma and Thailand (which is after all the whole point!!).  I'm not saying I've given up.  Because I haven't.  At all.

In fact, I'm actually going to look at a bike tomorrow!!!!  I know, awesome right?  My grandparents have veryextrememlygraciously offered to purchase my bike for me because I need to begin training on the one I'll be taking on tour.  One of my leaders for the trip just pointed out this one to me on Craigslist (which can be risky, I know), and it sounds great.  So, if when I check it out tomorrow I like, then I'll be the owner of a new bike.  AND I'd be saving money on taxes and I'd be getting it a little cheaper because it's used.  Economical?  I think so.

I was really hoping to use the bike my friends the Chu's are letting me borrow, but after putting some pretty good miles on it, I'm realizing that it's just too big for me.  However, it's been great to train on!!  The one I'm borrowing now is a Trek touring bike so it's a little heavier and longer than what'll be buying (a road bike).  I feel like the touring bike has been a great intro bike into riding on roads for me.  Although I've been riding bikes since I can remember, riding on busy, public roads is new (and terrifying at times).  The heaviness and longer length have helped me get my balance on the roads and not topple over when a dump truck goes flying past (yes, I was so scared I squealed the first time this happened).

Anyway, this is all for tonight.  I'm going to go find something to eat for dinner because I'm getting pretty hungry.  I've spent the last few hours washing bird poop off of my grandparents RV roof.  They've actually decided to let me sale it and use the money for my trip!!!! I'm planning on having it at the yard sale on Saturday (which is another reason I'm so stressed!).  Planning a yard sale and getting all my ducks in a row for it is pretty time consuming, especially since it's 20 minutes from my house so we're going to have to haul everything over there.  But, it'll work.  We'll get everything over there and hopefully we'll have at least a couple of people show up.  If you're reading this, you should come.  And donate if you have anything leftover from Spring Cleaning that you need to get rid of. :)

This is really all now.

Bye! :)

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