Sunday, March 24, 2013

Google Hangout

Here's a little snapshot from the Google Hangout that I just had with my three leaders and two other teammate:

From left to right it's:
Allen (leader), Daria (leader), Jessica (teammate), Jeff (Laurel's dad/teammate), Laurel (leader), and Me (excuse my dumb expression).

Something I think is super cool, is that Laurel's dad (above) is actually deaf.  He participates in our video chats by having Laurel sign for him.  He's planning on teaching all of us some sign language before and during the trip so we can all communicate with one another.

These chat's can be kinda awkward with all of us interrupting one another and gaps of silence, but they're getting better!  I'm really trying hard not to miss one so I'll know my teammates as best as I possibly can before I get to Seattle.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that. :)


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