Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This blog….

is a work in progress.  I've beautified it a little, but it has a long way to go…. But, in due time it will become more pleasing to the eye complete with pictures and colors!

For now, here's a short update on my trip:

This past week has been spent organizing fundraising, finding a job so I can pay for this trip, writing letters, and finding a bike to borrow until I can afford my own.

The bike situation is in and of itself a blessing!  My neighbors across the street cycle competitively so they offered to let me borrow a lot of their stuff; A Trek bike, gloves, glasses, clothes, helmets, locks, pedals, socks--- you name it, they're letting me borrow it until I work up my own little stash of biking equipment.

It's been great to see how even in the first week of working on support I've already had such wonderful help from friends!

I'm sleepy so this concludes tonight's post.  Goodnight!


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